Pine Belt North FCA

Katie Herrington Golf Tournament

May 1st| Laurel Country Club
4 Man Scramble 
 8:30 am 
$500 per team

Team Registration Form

Hole Sponsorship

 FCA Handicap System

  • The FCA Scramble handicap system will be used at the championship to determine the division winners.
  • All participants must have either an official USGA handicap index or know their approximate score for 18 holes of regulation golf, which must be verified.
  • Each player’s FCA handicap will be determined by the FCA handicap system listed
  • The team’s total handicap index will be determined by adding the plus (+) handicaps and subtracting any negative (-) handicaps.
  • 80% of the team’s total handicap will be used for competition. The team’s FCA handicap must total no more than minus seven (-7). If a team total is more than -7, the team will be assigned only a (-7). The Team Table is listed on page 2 of this document.
USGA Index Avg Score 18 Holes FCA Handicap
20 and up 101 and up -3
15.0 - 19.9 93 - 100 -2
10.0 - 14.9 86 - 92 -1
5.0 - 9.9 81 - 85 0
2.0 - 4.9 76 - 80 1
0 - 1.9 71 - 75 2
all + indexes 70 and lower 3

Breakfast and lunch will be provided

Call Here For Any Questions
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